The veteran doom metal band, Candlemass, is back with a new album, entitled "Psalms For The Dead." This is the bands eleventh full length studio album following their 2009 album, "Death Magic Doom." The album is nine tracks long and delivers nothing but power drum fills, aggressive vocals, and depressive guitar riffs.
The album starts out with pulverizing guitar riffs in "Prophet." Dominating chugging chords rush through you as you find yourself bashing your head to the beat immediately. Exploding drum rolls come rumbling in with quick double bass pedal patterns and shattering cymbals. Relentless snares pound you into the ground as you continue to drown is massive guitar riffs. Aggressive clean vocals take over the verses. They echo high above the melodic guitars and bass carrying you straight to the chorus. The refrain contains addictive lyrics with a catchy melody and wicked guitar solos that follow afterwards. You'll also come across another wild guitar solo towards the end of the track that will absolutely blow your mind.
Slow thumping snares open up "The Sound Of Dying Demons" as devilish guitar riffs take over. The verses fade in slowly with a haunting delivery. Meanwhile complex drum rolls take over the background. Toms and high hats smash from all directions. The refrain comes in soon after as lead vocalist, Robert Lowe, comes in with ghostly lyrics that send chills down your spine. The chorus holds a catchy yet evil tone to it leaving you completely hooked to the track. Gloomy synth sound effects surround you added a very demonic feel to the mix. You'll definitely find yourself playing this song over and over again. "Waterwitch" also has that muddy guitar intro that "The Sound Of Dying Demons" had in the beginning. This definitely has that epic doom sound that they are known for. The verses are filled with depressive vocals as the tempo runs slow deep chugging guitar riffs. The drum fills continue to destroy you with detailed rolls. Later you're hit with a deadly guitar solo that drops notes on your from all angles.
Tracks like "The Lights Of Thebe" and "Psalms For The Dead" really show off Lowe's vocals as some of them could pass as straight power metal vocals. Hit has no problem hitting both high and low octaves and can hold a note for quite some time. The verses in "Psalms For The Dead" are delivered in a very soothing manor. Meanwhile bone crushing riffs come through and completely knock you on your ass. The structure keeps you guessing as to whats coming up next. "The Killing Of The Sun" adds a little bit of a groove sound to the album with its catchy upbeat guitar riffs and thumping bass lines. Basic kick snare patterns fill the air with crashing cymbals as Lowe throws some aggressive vocals at you.
The final track on the album, entitled "Black As Time," opens with a short speech defining the word "time" as he rambles on about how time is black. After this minute introduction comes a killing wave of monstrous guitar riffs that blast away with booming drum rolls. Devilish chugging guitars take over as the lyrics "Time is black" echo over and over as more beastly guitars drop in. Later your hit with another murderous guitar solo that absolutely destroys the musical scales. The final two minutes pick up with fast pace drums and guitars as Lowe steps in with high clean vocals that soar through the air with catchy melodies. This final track definitely concludes the album with a bang and will leave you begging for more.
You'll find yourself hitting the replay button as soon as "Psalms For The Dead" comes to an end. It has that addicting effect where you just have to hear it again. Candlemass has really stepped up with this album showing that not only are they still good but that they're getting better with every new album. Definitely check this album out. You won't be disappointed.
Official Site - http://www.candlemass.se/candlemass/band/
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