Advent Sorrow is a fairly fresh symphonic black metal band from Australia that has recently released a powerful new EP, entitled "Before The Dimming Light." It contains 5 crushing tracks of pure darkness and evil. Monstrous vocals mixed with reckless double bass pedals and ravishing orchestration make this EP one to remember.
The EP opens with "Before The Dimming Light." Dark piano riffs fill the air as violent double bass pedal patterns come rumbling in from behind. Wretched guitars blast away with harsh distortion. The verses take over with vicious black metal growls that will send chills down your spine. The orchestration throughout the track is absolutely gorgeous as high string melodies float gently in the background. The breakdown at the end throws punishing double bass pedals and chugging guitar riffs that is sure to sweep you off of your feet.
"The Wraith In Silence" picks up with more beautiful piano riffs that are soon accompanied by reckless drum rolls and orchestration. The vocals take control with more devilish growls and low screams. Meanwhile double bass pedals constantly beat up the background making you want to throw up your devil horns for sure. The guitars continue to produce wicked melodies that scream through the air with speed and detail while the bass guitar follows with deep punchy bass lines. The mix up between black metal screams and death metal growls keeps the track refreshing along with the haunting strings that follow.
The EP really mixes things up with "A Porcelain Mistress" The tempo is faster along with the overall deliver of all of the instruments including the vocals. The double bass pedals and relentless as well. Then you come across the song "Insidious Memories" which starts out with dark and gloomy sound effects. This doesn't last long however, once more monstrous double bass pedals explode into the scene along with blaring distorted guitars and more harsh growls. This leads to the final track, entitled "Withered By Her Curse." It opens with soothing strings and demonic piano riffs that completely consume you into the track. Violent chugging guitars soon follow along with wicked fast double bass drums. Hell raising vocals rush in along with a relentless snare drum that constantly beat you into the ground. The wretched growls echo through the track with raging tones. The tempo of the song changes up a lot as you'll notice it jump from fast to slow constantly. This makes the track very refreshing and keeps you hooked the entire time. The song structure is very detail as well. You'll definitely find yourself hitting the repeat button a few times. It's tough to catch everything that goes on the first time you hear it.
"Before The Dimming Light" is a well balanced EP that delivers everything from fast violent drums and guitars to beautiful strings and piano riffs. Advent Sorrow manages to create that beauty and the beast type of sound in their mix and completely surrounds you with darkness at the same time. The songs are well written and flow into each other perfectly. This is definitely a must hear EP for 2012.
Official Site - http://adventsorrow.bandcamp.com/
Awesome review Murmaider \m/