The Bloopers...

Sorrow Eternal: The Bloopers, Volume 5

The arbitrary time has come, once again, to unveil the worst of the worst, the cream of the crap. We can't stress enough how many outtakes and bloopers exist from our slew of podcasts and interviews. In volume five, Darrell tells us the story of "The Hard One," and Justin stumbles over some of our pretentious interview questions. We show that we here at Sorrow Eternal are more human than human.

Sorrow Eternal: The Bloopers, Volume 4

This one might as well be called "The Blooper Reel, Darrell Edition" folks, because Justin took a lot of time and care in cutting together some of Darrell's worst recorded moments. from botched interview questions to mispronouncing the names of band members, this one has it all. Even the possibility of sexual harassment...

Sorrow Eternal: The Bloopers, Volume 3

It is time, once again, for the worst of the worst. We have stuttered, stammered, and giggled through almost 40 episodes of the podcast. Hard to believe, I know. But along the way, we have had some moments that were far from perfect (all of them) and some that have us laughing weeks and months later. So, sit back and enjoy, Volume 3 of the Bloopers.

Note: If you listen with headphones on, you can pick up a couple extra laughs.

Sorrow Eternal: The Bloopers, Volume 2

Going back through 30 podcasts and a handful of interviews and Top 10 lists, we found even more fuck ups and jackassery than we ever could have imagined. Murmaider has compiled some of the funnier moments, and labeled them as The Blooper Reel, Volume 2. Listen in as we have problems with flatulance, question Chester's sexuality, and have trouble with the most simple of English sentence structure and syntax.

Sorrow Eternal: setting back the music blog business with every spoken word.

Sorrow Eternal: The Bloopers

Over the course of 26 podcasts, numerous Top 10 lists and a bunch of interviews, it is fair to say Hell22 and Murmaider have made a lot of verbal typos. So, ladies and gentlemen, we present you with the first of many blooper reels. Sit back and laugh at our misfortunes, poor pronunciations, and our inability to say the most simple of words. And hey, it may be time to reveal our real names...